############################ ### Jekyll Configuration ### ############################ remote_theme: ashutoshgngwr/automatic-app-landing-page plugins: - jekyll-optional-front-matter - jekyll-remote-theme # Set the Sass partials directory, as we're using @imports sass: style: :compressed # You might prefer to minify using :compressed include: - CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md - CONTRIBUTING.md # Exclude these files from your production _site exclude: - README.md - CNAME # Markdown rendering markdown: kramdown permalink: /:path collections: news: output: true # configure community pages explicitly so that front-matter need not be added to # them and they are rendered normally on GitHub. defaults: - scope: path: CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md values: layout: page title: Code of Conduct permalink: /code-of-conduct - scope: path: CONTRIBUTORS.md values: layout: page title: Contributors permalink: /contributors - scope: path: CONTRIBUTING.md values: layout: page title: Contributing include_in_header: true permalink: /contributing - scope: path: PRIVACY.md values: layout: page title: Privacy Policy permalink: /privacy-policy - scope: path: CHANGELOG.md values: layout: page title: What's New include_in_header: true permalink: /CHANGELOG ############################ ### Theme Configuration ### ############################ page_title: Noice for Android goatcounter: https://ashutoshgngwr.goatcounter.com/count playstore_link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.ashutoshgngwr.noice fdroid_link: https://f-droid.org/packages/com.github.ashutoshgngwr.noice/ app_icon: /assets/app_icon.svg app_name: Noice for Android app_price: Free app_description: Relax, improve focus and boost productivity with minimal background noise. enable_smart_app_banner: false your_name: Ashutosh Gangwar your_link: https://ashutoshgngwr.github.io your_city: Bengaluru, India email_address: ashutoshgngwr@gmail.com twitter_username: ashutoshgngwr github_username: ashutoshgngwr features: - title: Hi-Fi sound library description: Ships with many recorded, high-fidelity sounds fontawesome_icon_class: fas fa-music - title: Chromecast enabled description: Play on other Chromecast-enabled devices such as TV, speakers, etc. fontawesome_icon_class: fab fa-chromecast - title: Sleep timer description: Supports automatic shutdown after desired time duration fontawesome_icon_class: fas fa-bed - title: Wake-up timer description: Use as Alarm Clock to wake up to a serene environment fontawesome_icon_class: fas fa-clock - title: Save your custom mix description: Save your favourite mixes and easily play them again fontawesome_icon_class: fas fa-sliders-h - title: Offline playback description: Provides fully offline playback. No internet connection needed! fontawesome_icon_class: fas fa-plane # Theme Settings topbar_color: "#000000" topbar_transparency: 0.33 topbar_title_color: "#ffffff" cover_image: /assets/headerimage.jpg cover_overlay_color: "#363b3d" cover_overlay_transparency: 0.8 device_color: black body_background_color: "#ffffff" link_color: "#1d63ea" app_title_color: "#ffffff" app_price_color: "#ffffff" app_description_color: "#ffffff" feature_title_color: "#000000" feature_text_color: "#666666" feature_icons_foreground_color: "#1d63ea" feature_icons_background_color: "#e6e6e6" social_icons_foreground_color: "#666666" social_icons_background_color: "#e6e6e6" footer_text_color: "#666666"