# Contributors ## Code The following list is auto-generated from the Git history, and it is prone to duplicates. {% assign authorsByLetter = site.data.authors.code | group_by_exp: "author", "author[0] | split: '' | first | upcase" -%} | # | Name | | :---: | ---- | {%- for letter in authorsByLetter %} {%- for author in letter.items %} | {%- if currentLetter != letter.name -%}{{ letter.name }}{%- endif -%} | [{{ author[0] | escape_once }}]({{ author[1] }}) | {%- assign currentLetter = letter.name -%} {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} ## Sounds | Attribution | Source | | :---------- | :----: | {%- for sound in site.data.authors.sounds %} | {{ sound.description | escape_once }} | [{{ sound.source | escape_once }}]({{ sound.url }}) | {%- endfor %} ## Icons | Attribution | Source | | :---------- | :----: | {%- for icon in site.data.authors.icons %} | {{ icon.description | escape_once }} | [{{ icon.source | escape_once }}]({{ icon.url }}) | {%- endfor %}