Trying implementations of the "Nope" feature on Meet account

* Nope is implemented by blocking the account, as by doing so, it won't appear anymore
* However, accounts will be silenced as soon as a message comes from someone that did not match both parties
This commit is contained in:
Bofh 2021-01-10 16:17:42 +01:00
parent 4291d4e442
commit 2b9c2424fe
3 changed files with 79 additions and 59 deletions

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<div class="like-div"><a class="status-favs-reblogs status-favs"
onclick="return api_status_fav(this,'{originalStatusId}');"
onclick="return fediloveMastodon.API.statusFav(this,'{originalStatusId}');"
<svg class="status-favs-reblogs-svg"><path d="M12,21.35L10.55,20.03C5.4,15.36 2,12.27 2,8.5C2,5.41 4.42,3 7.5,3C9.24,3 10.91,3.81 12,5.08C13.09,3.81 14.76,3 16.5,3C19.58,3 22,5.41 22,8.5C22,12.27 18.6,15.36 13.45,20.03L12,21.35Z"></path></svg>

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
<textarea type="text" placeholder="Send your message"></textarea>
<button id="send" onclick="return api_send_message();" class="primary compose-box-button" aria-label="Send!">
<button id="send" onclick="return fediloveMastodon.API.sendMessage();" class="primary compose-box-button" aria-label="Send!">
<svg xlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24">
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M2.01 21L23 12 2.01 3 2 10l15 2-15 2z"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.7 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.7 KiB

View File

@ -5,64 +5,66 @@
// Do simple XHR requests to the API on Mastodon
// make sure you control errors correctly, as a Mastodon Server might not setup CORS correctly
function mastodon_get(path, payload, callbk) { return mastodon_request('GET', path, payload, callbk); }
function mastodon_post(path, payload, callbk) { return mastodon_request('POST', path, payload, callbk); }
function mastodon_request(method, path, payload, callbk) {
payload = payload || null;
const fediloveMastodon = {
request: function(method, path, payload, callbk) {
payload = payload || null;
const ACCESS_TOKEN = window.fediloveApi.getAccessToken();
if (ACCESS_TOKEN === undefined)
return callbk(undefined);
const API_URL = 'https://'+fediloveApi.getCurrentInstance()+path;
const oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.addEventListener("load", function() { callbk(this.responseText); });, API_URL);
oReq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer '+ACCESS_TOKEN);
get: function(path, payload, callbk) {
return fediloveMastodon.request('GET', path, payload, callbk);
post: function(path, payload, callbk) {
return fediloveMastodon.request('POST', path, payload, callbk);
API: {
discardAccount: function(account_id, cback) {'/api/v1/accounts/18084/block', {}, function(data) { cback() });
statusFav: function(dom, status_id) {
var dislike = false;
var path = `/api/v1/statuses/${status_id}/favourite`;
if (dom.getAttribute('data-liked') === "1") {
path = `/api/v1/statuses/${status_id}/unfavourite`;
dislike = true;
}, {}, function(data) {
if (!dislike) {
$(dom).attr('data-liked', 1); = "spin2 .5s linear 1";
} else {
$(dom).attr('aria-label', '0 '+$(dom).attr('aria-label'));
$(dom).removeAttr('data-liked'); = undefined;
sendMessage: function() {
// the message is composed from the current chat Acct (@user@domain) + the compose textarea value
const text = fediloveData.chatAvatarCache.acct + ' ' + $('div#chat-compose-global textarea').val();
const ACCESS_TOKEN = window.fediloveApi.getAccessToken();
if (ACCESS_TOKEN === undefined)
return callbk(undefined);
//async function postStatus(realm, text, inReplyToId, mediaIds, sensitive, spoilerText, visibility, mediaDescriptions, inReplyToUuid, poll, mediaFocalPoints)
const lastStatus = fediloveApi.getChatLastMessageId(true);
fediloveFunctions.postStatus(, text,, [], false, undefined,
'direct', undefined, lastStatus.uuid, undefined, undefined);
const API_URL = 'https://'+fediloveApi.getCurrentInstance()+path;
// empty the current compose box
$('div#chat-compose-global textarea').val('');
const oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.addEventListener("load", function() { callbk(this.responseText); });, API_URL);
oReq.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer '+ACCESS_TOKEN);
function api_status_fav(dom, status_id) {
var dislike = false;
var path = `/api/v1/statuses/${status_id}/favourite`;
if (dom.getAttribute('data-liked') === "1") {
path = `/api/v1/statuses/${status_id}/unfavourite`;
dislike = true;
mastodon_post(path, {}, function(data) {
// to-do: check "data" if the POST succeded (for now we expect it did xD)
if (!dislike) {
$(dom).attr('data-liked', 1); = "spin2 .5s linear 1";
} else {
$(dom).attr('aria-label', '0 '+$(dom).attr('aria-label'));
$(dom).removeAttr('data-liked'); = undefined;
// scroll to the end as all chat Apps do
// The api to send a message on the current chat thread has been improved a lot
// and now is much more rock-solid, and we reuse the React functions
function api_send_message() {
// the message is composed from the current chat Acct (@user@domain) + the compose textarea value
const text = fediloveData.chatAvatarCache.acct + ' ' + $('div#chat-compose-global textarea').val();
//async function postStatus(realm, text, inReplyToId, mediaIds, sensitive, spoilerText, visibility, mediaDescriptions, inReplyToUuid, poll, mediaFocalPoints)
const lastStatus = fediloveApi.getChatLastMessageId(true);
fediloveFunctions.postStatus(, text,, [], false, undefined,
'direct', undefined, lastStatus.uuid, undefined, undefined);
// empty the current compose box
$('div#chat-compose-global textarea').val('');
// scroll to the end as all chat Apps do
var fediloveUI = {
registerSwipeOnElementEvents: {
@ -219,7 +221,16 @@ var fediloveUI = {
$('div#chat-party-global > div#name > span').text(acct);
if (accid != 0) $('div#chat-party-global > div#name > a').attr('href', `/accounts/${accid}`);
onAccountNope: function() {},
onAccountNope: function() {
const accObj = fediloveApi.getMeetAccount();
if (accObj === undefined) return;
if (!fediloveData.tmpDiscardedAccounts.includes(
fediloveMastodon.API.discardAccount(, function() {
$('div.virtual-list')[0].style.animation = 'nopeMeet .25s linear 1';
setTimeout(function() { window.history.back() }, 220);
onAccountMatch: function() {},
onAccountMaybe: function() {}
@ -301,6 +312,7 @@ var fediloveData = {
myAccountId: undefined,
currentAccountIsEmpty: false,
currentIDMeetTimeline: null,
tmpDiscardedAccounts: [],
gotEmojifyTextFunction: false,
composeTxtKeypressEvent: false
@ -338,7 +350,7 @@ var fediloveEvents = {
account_id = data.mentions[0].id;
if (account_id === null || account_id === undefined) return;
mastodon_get(`/api/v1/accounts/${account_id}`, {}, function(newData) {
fediloveMastodon.get(`/api/v1/accounts/${account_id}`, {}, function(newData) {
var json = JSON.parse(newData);
if (json !== undefined) {
waitForEmojifyAndDo( account_id, `@${json.acct}`, json.avatar, json.display_name, json.emojis );
@ -385,7 +397,7 @@ function fedilove_customization() {
// get the userAccountId to check against the href /account/NUM on the messages
// so we can apply different style to my messages
if (fediloveData.myAccountId === undefined) {
mastodon_get('/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials', {}, function(data) {
fediloveMastodon.get('/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials', {}, function(data) {
const json = JSON.parse(data);
if (json !== undefined) {
fediloveData.myAccountId =;
@ -432,6 +444,10 @@ function fedilove_customization() {
0% {position: relative; left: 0}
100% {position: relative; left: 95%}
@keyframes nopeMeet {
0% {position: relative; top: 0}
100% {position: relative; top: 95vh}
@ -619,6 +635,10 @@ function fedilove_customization() {
// remove discarded accounts from timeline (temporal, if /federated is reloaded, blocked accounts won't show either)
for (var accId of fediloveData.tmpDiscardedAccounts)
// make sure only the wanted items in timeline are shown
const _this = setInterval(function()